Souterrains, le monde creusé par l'homme. Jérôme et Laurent Triolet. Carrières souterraines, champignonnières, villes souterraines, souterrains-refuges, habitats troglodytiques, tunelles de guerre, souterrains cultuels, catacombes.

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Cliff "Cuevas" (Spain)


In the Spanish Levant, around Bocairent, between Valencia and Alicante, there is a group of exceptional cliff refuges (“Cluzeaux” in French). The major site, “Les Covetes dels Moros”, is a community cliff refuge, grouping 49 cavities dug on five levels in the cliff, and connected by 47 narrow passages. Each chamber has its own window in the cliff wall. In the same district, there are six others cliff refuges of this kind, for the most part having only some rooms, but two of them grouping more than ten windows in the cliff. All these cavities seem to be part of the same historical group, but dating is difficult. The cliff provided a natural barrier, inside the “Covetes” the narrow passages were effective obstacles and the fortification wall of “Bancal Redo” was a good protection. With grain silos and room for animals villagers were also able to hide and to protect their means of subsistence. So, “Les Covetes dels Moros” and “Bancal Redo” are community cliff refuges. The other cliff cavities are located at strategic points guarded access roads and defile. They were probably used as look out posts. There are other cliff refuges in Andalusia (southern Spain).




The “Covetes dels Morosî

The “Covetes dels Morosî


Collapse and cross

Rooms and windows

View on the village

Narrow shafts and windows



Windows and niches for lamps


Window and cross

Crossed cross

Window with view

Narrow shaft and window

Window with view

View over the valley


Narrow shaft and window


Pont Xato

El Dolçainer

Bancal Redo

Grain silos

Openings in a cliff

Tia Micaela

Room with mangers


Look down upon the approach

Observation window

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