Souterrains, le monde creusé par l'homme. Jérôme et Laurent Triolet. Carrières souterraines, champignonnières, villes souterraines, souterrains-refuges, habitats troglodytiques, tunelles de guerre, souterrains cultuels, catacombes.

Publications in French language (1986-2009)

La mine des Sarrasins, à Bramans (en collaboration avec Jean-Michel Machefert), Subterranea n°60, pp.129-132, 1986.

La grotte naturelle aménagée de la Basse-Chevrière (en collaboration avec Jean-Michel Machefert), Subterranea n°61, pp.21-24, 1987.

Les systèmes de défense dans les souterrains-refuges tourangeaux (en collaboration avec Jean-Michel Machefert), Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de Touraine, Tome XLI, pp.773-782, 1987.

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Le rôle des silos dans les souterrains-refuges tourangeaux (en collaboration avec Jean-Michel Machefert), Subterranea n°65, pp.22-25, 1988.

Les restes d'un souterrain aménagé, à la Fosse-Rouge, Subterranea n°70, pp.64-69, 1989.

Le souterrain-refuge de la Bourie, un souterrain inédit du Chinonais, Subterranea n°72, pp.147-155, 1989.

Le souterrain du château de Betz , Subterranea n°74, pp.43-50, 1990.

Complément à l'étude du souterrain-refuge de Balâtre, Loir-et-Cher, Subterranea n°76, pp.141-146, 1990.

Premiers commentaires sur le souterrain de l'église du Pin, Bulletin municipal de la commune du Pin, pp.5-6, 1990.

Le souterrain aménagé du Chillou,  Subterranea n°80, pp.119-125, 1991.

La Bove de Neuville-sur-Touques (Orne), partie I (en collaboration avec Laurent Dujardin), Subterranea n°81, pp.3-13, 1992.

La Bove de Neuville-sur-Touques (Orne), partie II (en collaboration avec Laurent Dujardin), Subterranea n°82, pp.43-51, 1992.

Aménagements défensifs des souterrains-refuges de Touraine, in Archéologie du monde souterrain sous la direction de Stéphane Boutin, pp.49-54, éditions Bordessoules, 1993.

Le souterrain de Ruabourg (Loir-et-Cher), Subterranea n°88, pp.143-147, 1993.

Les souterrains-refuges; de France en Cappadoce, une même logique, in Patrimoine souterrain creusé, actes du Symposium international de Saumur sous le patronage de l'UNESCO, pp.40-49, 1993.


A lot of subterranean refuges lie hidden in the west France. These man-made subterraneans were designed, during the medieval war periods, for the protection and the survival of a group of humans, with domestic animals and provisions. In Cappadoce (Turkey), "underground cities" are gigantic subterranean refuges.
In France and in Cappadoce, the subterranean networks differ from one another in dimensions and in functioning. But they answer to the same requirement and yield to the same logic: it's the logic of the subterranean refuge.


Observations sur le développement et les moeurs troglophiles de Pelodytes punctatus (Amphibien anoure, Pélobatide) (en collaboration avec Hervé Thomas), Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux n°22(4), pp.199-205, 1994.
The authors confirm in this work the definitely troglophilic behaviour of Pelodytes punctatus. This toad has been found in abundance in several  underground shelters in Tarn (81). Before, the authors report some observations concerning the life cycle of this species, starting from two populations attended on two temporary phreatic ponds on  the « grey dune » at the Verdon-sur-Mer (33).  

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Nouvelles découvertes de souterrains aménagés dans la région de Bressuire, Bulletin de la Société Historique et Scientifique des Deux-Sèvres, Actes du congrès de Bressuire (1993), 3ème série - Tome II - 2ème semestre, pp.307-326, 1994.


Les cités souterraines de Cappadoce, L'Archéologue - Archéologie nouvelle n°11, pp.41-44, 1995.

La Loire troglodytique, La Loire et ses terroirs n°17, pp.24-33, 1995.

Les souterrains-refuges, Le Mois Scientifique Bordelais n°163, pp.1&4, 1995.

Les souterrains-refuges du Levant espagnol, L'Archéologue - Archéologie nouvelle n°19, pp.47-49, 1996.

Deux conceptions du grand souterrain-refuge villageois: Hiermont (Picardie - France) et Sivasa (Cappadoce - Turquie), Subterranea n°97, pp.2-10, 1996.                 

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La chapelle Saint-Amador (Sougé - 41), un exemple unique de circumambulation souterraine autour d'une chapelle troglodytique, Subterranea n°98, pp.54-60, 1996.

Etude d'un souterrain espagnol et apport de l'entomologie, cluzeau de falaise de Bancal Redo, Alfafara, province d'Alicante (en collaboration avec Jean-Bernard Huchet), Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux n°24(3), pp.111-129, 1996.


In the spanish Levant, there is a surprising concentration of a singular type of souterrains-refuges, the "cluzeaux de falaise". This new study of the site of "Bancal Redo" reveal an ensemble which can protect a small community and its subsistence means. To understand better the function of some cavities, we do an entomologic study in a sample taked in a room. The insect’s analysis don't destroy the first hypothesis using architectural structures.


En el Levante espanol, hay una importante concentracion de "subterraneos-refugios" de un tipo particular, los "cluzeaux de falaise". Este estudio inedito se interessa por un conjunto que puede acojer temporalmente un pequeno grupo de personas con su medio de subsistancia. Para un mejor entendido de la funcion de algunas cavidades, fue realizado un estudio entomologico utilizando una muestra de sedimentos tomados en una salla. La analiza de estos restos de insectos no contradice la primera hipotesis resultando del estudio arquitectural.

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Le souterrain-refuge de La Roche (Sarthe), Subterranea n°99, pp.98-102, 1996.

Les Covetes dels Moros, un cluzeau de falaise communautaire du Levant espagnol, Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Périgord, tome CXXIV, pp.63-89, 1997.  

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Les cluzeaux de falaise du Levant espagnol, Subterranea, Actes du XIXème congrès de la SFES (1996), pp.67-78, 1997.                                                                                          

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Le phénomène souterrain annulaire dans le Blésois - Un ouvrage majeur : le souterrain annulaire de l'église de Vineuil (Loir-et-Cher), Subterranea, Actes du XXème congrès de la SFES (1997), pp.67-72, 1998.

Le souterrain aménagé du Cluzeau à Lathus-Saint-Rémy, Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de l’Ouest et des Musées de Poitiers, 5e série – tome XII, pp. 59-72, 1er trimestre 1998.


Les souterrains de Vendée, Loire-Océan Magazine n°4, pp.34-39, 1999.

Le souterrain-refuge de l'Ecusseau (86), Subterranea n°111, pp.66-72, 1999.

The souterrain of l'Ecusseau was discovered at the beginning of the nineties. He was before unpublished. He is located in the Châtelleraudais. He has 6 main rooms, 2 small rooms for storage, 1 silo, construction shafts, and 2 gullets. These arrangements and the analyse of the global organization of the underground network lead us to class this structure as a refuge. On the base of the comparison with other souterrains-refuges in the same geographic aera, the XIIIth or the XIVth century are proposed as possible dates of hollowing.


Le phénomène des souterrains-refuges en Touraine ; un ouvrage inédit : le souterrain des Goupillères, Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de Touraine, Tome XLV, pp.829-849, 1999.

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Les souterrains-refuges, demeures de l'Anjou, Anjou Magazine n°48, pp.18-26, 2000.

Le souterrain-refuge de la Lézilière  (86), Subterranea n°115, pp.69-75, 2000.

The souterrain of la Lézilière was discovered at the beginning of the nineties. He was before unpublished. He is located in the Châtelleraudais. He has 4 main rooms, 4 big silos, construction shafts, 2 gullets and 2 loopholes. These arrangements and the analyse of the global organization of the underground network lead us to class this structure as a refuge. In addition, reshaping evidences lead us to consider that the defence of the refuge, initially passive, was improved introducing an active defence for a second period of use. On the base of these elements supported by comparisons with other souterrains-refuges in the same geographic aera, the XIIIth or the XIVth century are proposed as possible dates of hollowing and first period of use. The XVth or the XVIth centuries are also proposed as dates of the second period of use, after wide modifications of the underground network.

 L’art des carrières, La Loire et ses terroirs n°41/42, pp.38-43, 1/2002.

Le troglodytisme en Ethiopie (en collaboration avec H. Klose et L. Stevens), Subterranea, Actes du XXIIème congrès de la SFES (1999), pp. 49-79, 2002.

This paper is the opportunity to present visits and remarks resulting from a trip in Abyssinia and Tigray and from a long stay in this country that posses a very rich troglodytic heritage. We will first recall shortly the history of the Christianity in this area . Next the different kind of rock-hewn churches will be presented with the help of several examples.  A section will concentrate on the site of Lalibela, the «Black Jerusalem », with its monuments that have been added to the world heritage list of UNESCO. The interesting case of Adadi Maryam will next be developed. To pursue, the rock grave (pre-christian) of Axum will be presented before concluding on the specific use of caves in the area and on general remarks the we have learned from this experience.


Les graffiti dans les souterrains et les carrières souterraines du Val-de-Loire, Actes des "Premières Rencontres Graffiti anciens" à Loches en Touraine (2001), pp. 89-100, ASPAG, 2002.

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Troglodytes du Val-de-Loire, 303 Arts, Recherches et Créations n° 75, pp. 110-115, 4ème trimestre 2002.

Quelques commentaires sur le souterrain annulaire du Chézeau, Subterranea n°125, pp. 12-14, 2003.
After the discovery of the Chézeau’s souterrain in 2000, these two authors have also studied this underground structure that has been published in the book « Souterrains et croyances ». In this paper, they present some characteristics of this souterrain and show the place that it has in the framework of ring souterrains in France. They conclude on an overview of the various interpretations that have been developed about ring souterrains.


Des souterrains-refuges de l’ouest de la France datés des XVe-XVIe siècles grâce à leurs tuyaux d’aération, Subterranea n°132, pp. 100-107, 2004.                                   

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Souterrain annulaire de l’église du Pin (Deux-Sèvres). Une datation au carbone 14 pour le comblement de l’accès situé sous la nef, Subterranea n°132, pp. 108-114, 2004.

Les souterrains-refuges en France, Dossiers d’Archéologie n°301, pp. 6-11, mars 2005.

Cappadoce, les villes souterraines, Dossiers d’Archéologie n°301, pp. 68-71, mars 2005.

Le souterrain-refuge de l’église de Lentillac, Sousceyrac d'hier à aujourd'hui n°20, pp. 29-33, 2005.

Le souterrain de la Daunière en Vendée - Une étonnante ressemblance avec les souterrains du Ségala, Subterrane'Actes du XXVIème congrès de la SFES (2003), pp. 23-28, 2005. 

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Un souterrain annulaire transformé en souterrain-refuge, la Blanchonnière, Subterranea n°147, pp. 68-76, 2008.


The souterrain of la Blanchonnière has been discovered in November, 2007. It was until then unpublished. Located in the plain of Beauce, few kilometers north from Blois, it is 50 meters long and includes 2 big silos for grain, one hoisting shaft, 4 loopholes (trous de visée). It can be classified among the 2 categories of undergrounds : the underground refuges (souterrains-refuges) and the ring-shaped undergrounds (souterrains annulaires). It was probably at first a ring-shaped underground and later (15th-16th century) it was transformed into a underground refuge with active defence.




Publications in French language (2010- )

Etude du souterrain de la Robinetrie à Nanteuil-en-Vallée (16), site  n° 16 242 0031, Rapport à l’attention du SRA Poitou-Charentes, 15 p., novembre 2010.

Nanteuil-en-Vallée, Souterrain aménagé de la Robinetrie, Bilan Scientifique de la Région Poitou-Charentes 2010 (DRAC Poitou-Charentes), p. 53, 2011.


Nanteuil-en-Vallée (Charente), La Robinetrie, Archéologie médiévale, 41, p. 208-209, 2011. Available at http://journals.openedition.org/archeomed/11867


Le souterrain de la Roche-Clermault et ses graffiti, Subterranea n°159, pp. 88-105, 2011.


Souterrains aménagés, souterrains-refuges, souterrains annulaires… Un panorama de la question en région Centre, Comptes rendus du SARC Détection, caractérisation et fouille des structures souterraines médiévales (DRAC Centre – SRA), pp. 9-14, Orléans, 2013. Available at http://www.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/Regions/Drac-Centre

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Les souterrains de Vendée, Subterranea n°169, pp. 2-5, 2014.

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Quand l’armée chinoise nous explique le concept de souterrain-refuge : Tunnel Warfare, Subterranea n°169, pp. 24-29, 2014.

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Un souterrain armoricain de l’Âge du Fer : le souterrain de la Ville es Peniaux à Cancale (Ille-et-Vilaine), Subterranea n°170, pp. 16-21, 2014.

The souterrain of la Ville es Peniaux has been discovered in 1800. It was published for the first time in 1992. Located in north-east of Brittany, south of Saint-Malo, it is about 11 meters long and includes an entrance shaft, 2 rooms connected by a small passage, and a small unfinished passage. It can be classified as an Armorican souterrain dating back to the Iron Age, and it is one of the easternmost.

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L’habitat troglodyte dans le Val de Loire, Les Études ligériennes n°25, pp 13-15, 2015. 

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La chapelle souterraine de la Québrie à Niré-le-Dolent (Loudun-Vienne), Subterranea n°173, pp. 2-13, 2015.


Dug inside an underground quarry, the chapel of La Québrie includes, amongst others, an altar and an altarpiece cut into the rock. Dating back to 1796, the altarpiece is composed of four columns carved into the rock that surround a painted décor showing a crucifixion. In a later phase, numerous graffiti on the wall and on the painted décor show that the place was regularly frequented by the population from the beginning of the 19th century until the Second World War. In a book published in 1908, a local historian gives the name of a non-juring priest who could have hidden himself and officiated inside this clandestine chapel during the Revolution. Because of the elaborate architecture and the rich history, this chapel is an underground monument of particular interest.


La carrière aménagée du Clos du Château à Brillouet (Saint-Étienne-de-Brillouet - Vendée), Des similitudes avec les carrières-refuges du nord de la France, Subterranea n°181, pp. 12-20, 2017.


This small underground quarry is dug into the Jurassic limestones of the southern Vendée and located 10 km from Petosse underground refuge. Specific facilities, a group of rooms surrounding the extraction galleries and two fortified accesses show that the quarry was converted into a shelter for humans and animals. To our knowledge, this is the only documented case of such conversion in Western and South-western France, and this network shows many similarities to the quarries turned into refuges in Northern France.

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Deux souterrains-refuges inédits du Châtelleraudais (Vienne) : Les Barbotins à Beaumont et L’Aumont à Colombiers, Subterranea n°185, pp. 2-11, 2018.
The souterrains of les Barbotins and of l’Aumont are located between Poitiers and Tours in the zone of passage called “Seuil du Poitou” (Poitou threshold). They were until then unpublished. Today the souterrain of les Barbotins, is about 30 meters long and includes an access corridor, a narrow passage and two rooms, each with its own extraction shaft. It can be classified among the category of the underground refuges (souterrains-refuges) with passive defence. The souterrain of l’Aumont is smaller. It is about 12 meters long and includes an access corridor, which could be closed by an impressive wood door, leading to a unique room, and a loophole (trou de visée). It can be classified among the category of the underground refuges (souterrains-refuges) with active defence and was probably the fortified part of a cave dwelling.
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Qui était saint Cicault ?, Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de Touraine, tome LXIV, p. 25-31, 2018.                                                                                                                                                        Download the publication

Souterrains-refuges et "villes souterraines" en France et en Cappadoce (Turquie), Der Erdstall,  Fachzeitschrift für Erdstallforschung und Montanarchäologie, n°47, p. 62-84, 2021. 

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Quand l’armée américaine forme ses soldats aux combats souterrains : Tunnel destruction, Subterranea n°193, p. 145-150, 2022.


During their massive involvement in the Vietnam War (1964-1973), American troops had to face an intense underground warfare waged by the Viet Cong guerrillas from gigantic networks of tunnels dug under the jungle. In 1969, the U.S. Army published an instruction film describing in detail the procedures to be followed in order to explore and then destroy these tunnels: Tunnel Destruction. At a time when the United States were accelerating their disengagement, this veritable manual seems to be out of step with the reality on the ground, but it also incorporates procedures developed on the job by American tunnel rats.

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Publications in English language

Karsı Kilise, in Cappadocia, Schede dei siti sotterranei / Records of the underground sites, a cura di / edited by Roberto Bixio, British Archaeological Reports (BAR) S2413, Oxford, pp. 127-131, 2012.


Kaymakli, in Cappadocia, Schede dei siti sotterranei / Records of the underground sites, a cura di / edited by Roberto Bixio, British Archaeological Reports (BAR) S2413, Oxford, pp. 138-141, 2012.


Underground refuges and war tunnels (France, Cappadocia, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Lebanon), Opera Ipogea (Journal of Speleology in Artificial Cavities), pp. 51-60, 1/2013.


We have been studying underground cavities dug by man, with particular reference to underground refuges, for 25 years. Thanks to this research, the function and the organization of underground refuges in France and some other countries have been betterunderstood. Recently, a synthetic work about the use of underground cavities during war has been published in the book “La guerre souterraine” (Underground Warfare). Through this work, we are able to present two categories of underground cavities dug by man during war: underground refuges and war tunnels. For the two categories, we present in this article several examples of cavities dug in different countries and used at different times. Our purpose is to show that, despite the historical and geographic differences, all the cavities included in each of these categories present an important architectural unity. This common architecture is related to an identical function. We will also point out the existing differences between underground refuges and war tunnels.                                                                                                          

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Tunnel Warfare – the Chinese concept of active underground shelters, Subterranea (Subterranea Britannica Magazine) n°35, pp.75-77, April 2014.                                                   

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Underground refuges and “Underground Cities” in France and Cappadocia (Turkey), Der Erdstall,  Fachzeitschrift für Erdstallforschung und Montanarchäologie, n°47, p. 62-84, 2021.


The underground refuges consist of rooms connected by corridors; they are equipped with vital facilities and defence systems. The underground refuge concept has been developed in several ways and, in some parts of the world, men have made very complex subterranean networks: the “underground cities”. We have studied two examples of “underground cities”: the wide networks that exist in Cappadocia (Turkey) (8th - 15th century), and the large refuges located in Northern France (15th - 18th century). The study of the architectural characteristics and the global organisation of the networks allows to reconstruct the defence and the life inside the cavities. The comparison shows that the existing differences between these two geographical groups of “underground cities” are the result of two kinds of human adaptation in response to the same need.

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Publications in German language

Unterirdische Städte in Kappadozien, Der Erdstall (Hefte des Arbeitskreises für Erdstallforschung) n°20, pp.85-91, 1994.


Das ringförmige Souterrain unter der Kirche von Le Pin / Westfrankreich, eine wichtige Stätte zum Verständnis des Phänomens der französischen ringförmigen Souterrains (translated by Hans Klose), Der Erdstall (Hefte des Arbeitskreises für Erdstallforschung) n°36, pp.75-90, 2010.


Erdrefugien und „unterirdische Städte“ in Frankreich und Kappadokien (Türkei), Der Erdstall,  Fachzeitschrift für Erdstallforschung und Montanarchäologie, n°47, p. 62-84, 2021.


Während des Mittelalters haben die Menschen in Europa ebenso wie in anderen Ländern weltweit sich in den Fels gegraben, um sich gegen Angriffe zu schützen. Dazu entwarfen sie eine sehr spezifische Form von Kaverne: das Erdrefugium (Französisch: souterrain-refuge). Diese unterirdischen Anlagen unterscheiden sich dadurch von anderen troglodytischen Kavernen, dass sie tief in den Fels getrieben sind und dementsprechend nicht durch natürliches Licht beleuchtet werden. In Frankreich stammen die frühesten Publikationen zu dieser Gruppe von Kavernen aus der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Über 150 Jahre der Untersuchungen, Ausgrabungen und Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema haben unser Verständnis des Begriffes „Erdrefugium“ bereichert und viele Fragen beantwortet. Nach der Erläuterung dieses Begriffs werden wir einen Typ von Erdrefugium behandeln, der aus sehr großen und komplexen unterirdischen Gangsystemen besteht: die „unterirdische Städte“ (Französisch: villes souterraines). Zuerst werden wir die weitläufigen Gangsysteme in Kappadokien (Türkei) (8. bis 15. Jahrhundert) vorstellen und uns dann auf jene in Nordfrankreich (15. bis 18. Jahrhundert) konzentrieren.

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Publications in Czech

 Podzemní refugia a „podzemní města“ ve Francii a v Kappadokii (Turecko), Der Erdstall,  Fachzeitschrift für Erdstallforschung und Montanarchäologie, n°47, p. 62-84, 2021.

Ve stredověku se lidé v Evropě stejně jako v jiných zemích ve světě ukrývali do skal, aby se chránili pred útoky. K tomuto účelu vytvorili specifickou formu kaverny: podzemní útočiště (francouzsky: souterrain-refuge). Tato podzemní díla se odlišují od ostatních troglodytických útočišt; tím, že byla hloubena do skály, takže do nich nepronikalo denní světlo. Ve Francii pochází nejranější publikace zabývající se těmito kavernami z poloviny 19. století. Více než 150 let pruzkumu, odkryvu; a publikací k tomuto tématu obohatilo naše poznatky o „podzemních refugiích“ a odpovědělo na radu otázek. Po vysvětlení tohoto pojmu se budeme zabývat typem podzemního refugia, které se skládá z velmi rozsáhlých a komplexních podzemních systému; chodeb: „podzemní města“ (francouzsky: villes souterraines). Nejdríve predstavíme monumentální systémy chodeb v Kappadokii (Turecko) (8. až 15. století) a pak se budeme soustredit na ty v severní Francii (15. až 18. století).



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