Souterrains, le monde creusé par l'homme. Jérôme et Laurent Triolet. Carrières souterraines, champignonnières, villes souterraines, souterrains-refuges, habitats troglodytiques, tunelles de guerre, souterrains cultuels, catacombes.


Souterrains du Centre-Ouest

The authors summarize the major points of the underground refuges and the annular undergrounds (souterrains annulaires) in the French regions - Anjou, Poitou, Touraine, Blésois and Berry. In the first part of the book the monographs of 19 sites are brought thogether and in the second part - the architecture and the testimonies.


Published by La Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest publishing house, Tours, France, 1991, plans, coloured photos, 144 pages.


Download the book (in French)



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- Souterrains du Centre-Ouest online

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